View upcoming invoices
Yevhen L.
As a user, I want to see the invoices that will be issued at the end of the billing period.
Users can retrieve the customer's current usage (i.e. usage that will be billed at the end of the current period). However, this information doesn't include subscription fees, coupons, prepaid credits and credit note credits.
Upcoming invoices should be visible in the user interface and could be retrieved via API, so that this information could be displayed to customers.
Lago admin
Invoice previews are now available in Lago. The end goal is to view upcoming invoices based on multiple scenarios:
- Preview for non-existing customers
- Include taxes in invoice previews
- Include discounts in invoice previews
- Dry-run invoices for active subscriptions
- Preview an invoice for subscription termination
- Preview an invoice for upgrades and downgrades
ℹ️ This feature is only available as an add-on (not available for open source users).
Lago admin
in progress
Andras Szommer
It's also a long-awaited feature from our team. Are there any plans to include the feature, even at API level?