We've got a metric (lets call it Units) which gets billed monthly, and measured daily. We currently bill off of the Max number of units used during a day, across the month.
For instance, the count each day for the month might look like ... 1 1 1 1 20 1 1 1 1, etc, in which case we would charge for 20 units, since that was the Max received on any given day.
However, this feels unfair to the user, since maybe they accidentally spun up a bunch of "Units" for one day, then realized they didn't need them. But they're still charged 20 for the month.
We'd prefer to instead do an "averaged" price across the month. So in the scenario above, lets say it's 29 days of (1) unit, and 1 day of (20) units. The metering would average out to (1/30*29)+(20/30) = 1.63 units for the month.
Created by Mathieu Déjean