Distinguish paid credits from granted credits in wallet view
Lélio R.
The wallet view lists granted credits and paid credits without distinguishing them. Screenshot shows the result of a single topping up operation with 3.33€ of prepaid an 3.33€ of granted credits.
It would be useful to add a distinction to make debugging/understanding the wallet balance more easily.
It would be useful to send a webhook message when free credits are added to the wallets
Michael Ponrajah
Michael Ponrajah
In addition to this initiative, we're implementing several enhancements to the wallets:
- Ongoing balance should consider only prepaid credit offered or paid (with an invoice payment status: succeeded)
- Adjusting the ongoing balance to allow negative values instead of capping it at $0.00.
- Webhook messages to notify users when the ongoing balance reaches $0.00 or falls below.
- Void a specified number of credits on an active wallet.
Michael Ponrajah
in progress
Mathieu Déjean